Do you worry about all of the things you need to get done? Read this...

I don't believe our mind was designed to make us worry. I believe it was designed to make us fear.

There's a very big difference between running for our life because a lion is chasing us, and worrying about finishing our work on time, or worrying about how our kids did on their spelling exams.

What is worrying anyway?

Worrying is a killer. If I can be frank, it's a motherf@#$@$!!!! It leads to stress and anxiety, which wreaks havoc on our health and well being.

Oh, and it usually leads to overeating.

Worrying is about repeatedly re-experiencing the worst case scenario in advance. What are we worrying about anyway? It didn't happen yet!

I don't think our mind was designed to think about the same things over and over. At least not thoughts that make us suffer. Or thoughts that impede us from...

Thinking of new things!

That's the purpose of our mind, in my opinion. For example, say, I think of a topic for an inspiration. The old me would've acknowledged it and forgotten about it.

Then, I'd try to remember it and struggle. And it would come back to me at a weird time. Now, when I think of something productive, I write it down. Boom. Done. Out of my head. Onto the next thing...

When we keep thinking about the same things over and over that hinders our ability to be the best that we can be (corny but true).

(What does being the best that we can be even mean? I think it means being as happy as we can be.)

When we're thinking about the same thing over and over, it's time to inquire within. "Why am I thinking about this over and over?" "What can I do about it"

Here's the key: If we don't deal with it, It'll keep haunting us.

For example, say, I have a nagging task that needs to get done. But I don't do anything about it. I don't add it to my to-do list, I don't create some sort of plan to get it done, nothing.

It's just renting space in my head and bothering me. Not cool!

Now, I just write it down. Boom. It's done. It's actionable. I don't need to worry about it anymore. When thoughts like this are floating around in our head it can be very draining.

Again, that can lead to a feeling of being mentally exhausted. And that can lead to overeating.

But what about real things to worry about?

The Two Questions:

Ask yourself, "What are you really afraid of?" Then follow with, "What's the worst thing that can happen?" These 2 questions can help us tremendously!

The purpose of the '3 outcomes Section' on the Daily Feedback is so we don't have to worry about tasks. Use it. It works like a charm.

Just pick 3 things that are floating around in your head and write them down so you get them out of your head already. And if they're not actionable - just plain old things you worry about - go back to "The Two Questions" and try not to forget what our mind was really designed for.

Gosh, I hope you like this inspiration!


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