Do you look forward to the downhills or uphills?

One of my favorite activities is bike riding. And there's a lesson in it for all of us, I think.

Most of us, when we 'bike ride' look forward to the downhills because we can coast along without much effort.

The entire ride (if it's a challenging one) consists of barely surviving the

uphills so we can enjoy the easier and fast parts ---> the downhills.

Let's face it: The uphills are very difficult.

The problem with downhills is that although they are easier, it's crazy. If we're on a challenging route - the uphills are insane but the downhills are just nuts.

What would happen if we looked forward to the uphills?

That's where the work is. The fun is. The improvement is. The progress is.

On the uphills, we have a reasonable shot at improvement over last time.

The problem with downhills is that we can't go much faster than we did last time due to the laws of physics and safety.

Most people spend their days looking forward to those extremely rare moments when everything goes right.

When there are no temptations, the gym isn't too crowded, it's not too cold outside, they got 8.1 hours of sleep the night before, their shelves are fully stocked with healthy and nutritious foods, their kids are behaving, their boss is being nice...

But imagine how much of an advantage we'd have if we spent our time maximizing those moments when it doesn't?

In other words, this week, let's embrace the uphills. Not the downhills.


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