How to change in 2011

I hope you had a wonderful New Year!

I'm really excited to get back into the groove, and I hope you are too. And while it can certainly be intimidating to get back into the swing of things, we'll be far happier making compromises and sacrifices in an effort to pursue worthwhile things like our health and fitness - rather than the alternative.

Growth physically and mentally will make us happier.

Right now, this very moment, we can change, if we decide we want to.

I'm going to share one of my favorite poems that beautifully conveys the process we must all go through in many areas of our life, to become the person we really want to be.

There's a hole in my sidewalk by Portia Nelson.

Chapter one:

I walk down the street.

There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.

I fall in.

I am lost...I am helpless.

It isn't my fault.

It takes forever to find a way out.

Chapter two:

I walk down the street.

There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.

I pretend that I don't see it.

I fall in again.

I can't believe I am in this same place.

But, it isn't my fault.

It still takes a long time to get out.

Chapter three:

I walk down the street.

There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.

I see it there.

I still fall's a habit...but, my eyes are open.

I know where I am.

It is my fault.

I get out immediately.

Chapter four:

I walk down the same street.

There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.

I walk around it.

Chapter five:

I walk down another street.


The only way to get to where we want to be is to take it day by day. Even more so, meal by meal, workout by workout.

Of course, if we keep doing what we've always done, we'll keep on looking and

feeling the way we always have.

Today, ask yourself, "How am I going to walk down another street?"

Just focus on today though. That's it.



Ask yourself this: if you base your future results on your past performance, where will you be six months from today? Is 2011 going to be the same story as 2010?

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If you have any questions about our 100% money back guaranteed program email me. If you're ready to join, and make 2011 the year you finally stop hoping and wishing, I promise you won't regret it. Will you ever regret being healthier and more fit?

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