One of the most misunderstood words and how it can help you achieve anything

Thinking about the long-term is essential for overall happiness. This is the battle we all face: balancing living for today versus living for tomorrow.

It turns out, we'll actually enjoy today MORE when we live, plan and act for the future.

I'm very lucky to have so many interesting clients. One of them is 89 years old. We still talk and plan for her future. I love it. Besides, is there a reasonable alternative?

I truly believe everything we do is for happiness. Even if you're a saint and act completely altruistically.

I also think achieving is a component to happiness. Whether it's losing 300 pounds or 30 pounds, actually losing the weight, and achieving the goal, is well worth the effort in the happiness pay off it brings.

I'm not necessarily talking about professional success.

I'm simply talking about setting a goal...and then actually reaching that goal.

To achieve things we have to balance the long term versus the short term. We have to keep our eyes on the prize so to speak but also focus on today and today only. I can't eat right and exercise tomorrow, today. I can only eat right and exercise TODAY.

That means we want to *try* to think with our long term / rational mind as much as possible as opposed to our short term / irrational mind.

I love questions.

The best advice you'll ever get will be in the form of questions.

I also love asking myself questions because it helps to change my perspective. And that's the whole idea.

How can two people see the same thing so differently?

Here's a great question to ask yourself: "What benefits my future self?" It helps us to think rationally and long term minded. But even still, that requires "discipline".

(I quote discipline because I can write a book on it. I think it encompasses so many things. But for the sake of keeping this under 1 million words let's use the word discipline as what you might think it means.)

And a key to discipline is the ability to make sacrifices.

So: Achievement is a key to happiness. Discipline is a key to achievement. And sacrifices are the key to discipline.

Making decisions with the long term in mind often implies sacrifice.

Ya know, that word gets no respect.

Like moderation "sacrifice" is a misunderstood word. Many people think sacrifice means deprivation or giving something up.


What sacrifice really means is giving up something of a lower value in the present to receive something of a higher value in the future.

It's easy to live only for today and shrug off the long term consequences. We're so freaking good at rationalizing and justifying poor choices.

But if we know achieving goals will make us happier and sacrifices are a key component of that why don't we INDULGE more in trying to achieve?

My overall argument isn't that it's not fun to give in and listen to your short term self. I'm not saying eating pizza and ice cream isn't fun.

What I'm saying is working towards our goals - as uncomfortable as it might seem - as uncomfortable as it might seem in the moment - is way more fun!

And that requires sacrifices which isn't anything but the equivalent of passing up what might feel like a thousand dollars today for a million dollars in the (not so) distant future.

Remember: pleasure / instant gratification is fleeting. Satisfaction / happiness is lasting.

Too often we only focus on the broken eggs. Meanwhile omelets are being made!



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