What to do when you feel so unmotivated to lose weight

If you feel unmotivated to lose weight this post is for you.

With the 4th of July around the corner, and summer in full effect, it seems as though some of us are losing our motivation.

I hear you. However, I'm not so sure it's our motivation, as much as it is our environment.

Because in the face of GINORMOUS temptation, it's easy to start questioning why we're even doing this. In the face of GINORMOUS temptation our motivation fades.

Hold up.

What is a temptation anyway?

My definition is very simple: A temptation is anything that makes us think irrationally.

Anything that makes us go against what we really want for ourselves -- what our long term / rational mind truly wants.

Our motivation fades because our long term / rational mind is asleep while our short term / irrational mind is W   I   D   E awake.

I figure now (TEMPTATION) is as good a time (TEMPTATION) as ever to remind (TEMPTATION) you why because (TEMPTATION) there is temptation everywhere (TEMPTATION).

(See what I did there?)

People are happier so they're bringing in treats to work. People are having BBQs. People are socializing more. The kids are off. Our exposure to temptations has certainly increased in the last few weeks.

But even so, even after all of my rational/irrational talk, what's the point of this?

Why bother trying to lose weight? Why bother trying to get fit? Why not just "give in"?

Well, let's start with the question, "Why?"

Why do you want to lose weight? Why do you want to get more fit? Why do you want to accomplish your professional goals? Why do you want to accomplish your personal goals? What is your goal in life?

When I ask people these questions, I get a lot of different answers.

Whatever your goal is, think about the answer to the next question: Why?

And then keep asking yourself why.

What's so interesting to me is that if we keep asking ourselves, "Why?" enough times, we'll arrive at the same answer that most people do.

We're all doing what we do because we believe it'll ultimately make us happier.

I think the end goal of anything we do is: happiness. However, I think happiness is a very ambiguous term. Instead, I'm interested in how I can become happier, and how I can help others do the same.

Life is short. We might as well be as happy as we can be.

These questions and thoughts are what led me to write all of these posts.

So, here's a simple question I've been noodling on and it helps me a lot:

"Will this truly make me happier?"

But we have to be honest when we ask that to ourselves.

Let's explore a little:

I'm not saying I'm unhappy when I'm eating a burger and fries. I'm not saying I'm unhappy when I'm eating ice cream. No. Not at all. That makes me happy. At least, while I'm eating it.

I'm saying I'm happier when I eat healthfully.

I'm not saying I'm unhappy when I'm lounging around watching TV. That's fun.

I'm saying I'm happier when I'm moving around and enjoying my fitness! That's MORE fun!

I'm not saying I'm unhappy when I have a great meal and overeat because the food is just so tasty.

I'm saying I'm happier when I leave the table feeling satisfied and not stuffed.

When are you happier, if you're really and truly honest with yourself?

[The tricky part is that what makes us feel happier, doesn't always feel happy in the moment. It doesn't always feel good to do what we know we "should" do.

Sometimes we have to delay instant gratification for future happiness. Gratification and pleasure are in the same boat. They're both fleeting. Where as happiness and satisfaction are more lasting.]

And of course, our rational and long term mind knows the answer. The challenge is that in the face of temptation everywhere - we lose sight of what makes us happier because we're thinking irrationally.

By asking ourselves this question -- "Will this truly make me happier?" -- it helps us to think rationally, and that's the key.



Here's the challenge: we're constantly rationalizing our actions/behaviors so we can remain in our comfort zone. In other words, instead of changing our actions, we'll find a way to make ourselves feel better by doing nothing. Sure, it might be more pleasurable in the short term, but when there is a disconnect between our desires and actions unhappiness ensues.

That means until our actions and desires are in alignment, it'll wear on us. It'll nag at us. Our desire to be healthy and fit doesn't go away. We just rationalize it away. This is where the power of daily accountability + daily support comes into play. We keep you moving forward through the good and not so good days. This is one of the reasons why we get such amazing results for our clients. Learn more by clicking here.

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