How to attack monsters

Who likes doing laundry?

WELL...I hate it!

The 'Laundry Monster' is something my mom came up with after I complained about doing laundry to her repeatedly.

No matter how many times I promise myself I won't let it build up, I manage to do just that. And I let it build up until I've used every sheet for my bed possible, and every pair of random underwear and socks I can find.

It becomes a 'Laundry Monster' because I become so terrified of doing it.

There is just SO much!

And the best part? The laundry is in the basement of my building. So I can lug all of my clothes downstairs and machines might not even be available!


HOWEVER, each and every time I do it - I'm always reminded that it isn't so bad. In fact, the satisfaction of having my laundry all folded up, and my socks in little balls, and knowing my clothes are all clean is priceless.

I mean who doesn't love looking at a drawer filled with socks in little balls?!

It's really not that bad...

I just let it build up 'til it becomes this (what seems like a) daunting task.

But if I take the clothes from the hamper and then get on the elevator and then put them into a washing machine and add detergent and then put those clothes into a dryer - one step a time - it's very doable, and dare I say - almost enjoyable!

The laundry monster isn't the only monster I face though.

We all face the exercise, and diet monster too.

But, like with any monster - when we attack it, it always feels incredible. The trick is to not let the monster build up. Which means obeying the two day rule of exercise. We can skip one day, but we can't skip 2 days in a row. (The exercise monster builds up quickly!)

With our diet, sometimes, we feel like we can't make it through the day unless we indulge. But of course we make it through. And the monster is never as scary as it seems.

We have other monsters as well.

Whether it's work related, house related, relationship related, you name it. And not attacking them adds a level of stress and anxiety to our lives. We think about it, and we put a band-aid on it. We start to take action and we figure out a temporary solution.

My Wednesday challenge for you is to attack full force any "Monsters" that you may have lingering. They can be as simple as a closet that needs to be cleaned that you keep putting off to a big project for work.

Whatever you know that needs to get done - that you keep putting off - why not do it this week? (And if you need help, get it. That's part of attacking monsters.)

If not now, then when?

Just start with one step today! Attack it for 10 minutes. You'll be glad you did and you'll realize it's not nearly as bad as you thought it was going to be.

The less 'Monsters' we have, the less anxious we'll be. And the less anxious we are, the less likely we'll be to eat emotionally, mindlessly or habitually.

Attack those monsters! Let's go!

I got your back!


P.S. If you asked me to pass on one mantra - and ONE mantra only - to a loved one, mine, without question would be, "The monster is never as scary as it seems." I've believed this for a long time. So much so, that when #1 New Times Bestselling author, Gretchen Rubin, interviewed me for her blog, I wrote all about monsters! You can read the interview here.

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