How we really get you to change your ways (Part 1 of 2)

It’s interesting.

Some people will say things like, “Well, I know how to lose weight!” “I just need to eat less and move more. Duh!”

“Why do I need somebody to help me?”

Don’t you think if it was as easy as “just eating less and moving more” they would have already done that on their own?

Or maybe they do muster up enough willpower and “just eat less and exercise” for a bit. Do they stick with it?

99% of the time, no.

These are the same people you see starting (and stopping) diets for years.

If consistency were easy we’d all do it. We’d all be in great shape too.

One of the reasons why I’m able to help my clients lose weight, and keep it off, is because I help them to change the way they think and ultimately react to food.

But what does that REALLY mean you wonder?

MBT is not just a “eat these 10 magic foods for 30 days” type of plan. That’s not sustainable. Nor does it change any behavior, or get to the root cause of why we’re eating in the first place.

I teach my clients my philosophies and frameworks and ways of thinking. And truly day by day they start to think and react differently to food and exercise. They see it all so differently. (This is how we’re able to help people get AND stay in amazing shape.)

Sounds crazy, right?

The best way to describe it is if you were to look at one of those double paintings. You know, the ones where you see the young woman but then if you keep looking you see an old woman too?


What do you see?

Here’s another example:


When you look at the FedEx logo what do you see?

Ever notice the arrow?

It’s interesting because once you realize the arrow is there, it’s the first thing you’ll see. You don’t notice the letters as much. We’ll help you see eating right and exercising in a different light.

Or how about the candle problem.


It was created in 1945 by a psychologist named Karl Duncker.

Here’s how it works: I give you a candle, some thumbtacks and some matches. Your job is to attach the lit candle to the wall so the wax doesn’t drip onto the table.

How would you do it?

Before you click below, take a few minutes and think about it.

—-> Show me how to attach the lit candle to the wall so the wax doesn’t drip onto the table.

Weight Loss Tips That Actually Make a Difference

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