Tips for workers on how to stay fit and eat well in and out of the office in 2011

Yours truly was featured in an article by Business News Daily. They reached out to me 12 hours before the article was going to run with a request for an interview along with a bunch of questions.


Anyway, I'm happy with the way it turned out, and I figured you might enjoy the tips. Little lunch time reading for ya, if you will.

You can read the article by clicking here.

Make it a great day and why not act like a warrior?


P.S. ("What the heck is a warrior?" you might wonder.)

(I'll tell you what my definition of a warrior is. But only if you let me do it

all in parenthesis.)

(A warrior is someone who sees the bright side of everything.

They feel that people are generally good people. Not bad people.

They don't feel that the 'universe' is out to get them. They feel that whatever

situation they're in, they can handle - with the right support.

Warriors welcome adversity and challenges. In fact, they seek them out.

They know that attitude is everything.

Whether 1000 people are watching them or no one is watching them...they act the

same way.

Warriors don't make excuses because they don't know what excuses are.

They only know what satisfaction is. And how great it feels to do what they

said they'd do.

Warriors are called warriors for a reason.

And just because we might not feel like a warrior, doesn't mean we can't act

like one.)

Weight Loss Tips That Actually Make a Difference

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