Do you fear success?

Let's say in this case, success means only using food as fuel. As opposed to using it as a way to soothe and entertain ourselves and suppress feelings.

Well, there's a few reasons why we wouldn't want to be successful then.

Let's explore some of those reasons shall we?

If we're successful that means:

1. We don't have food as a way to temporarily escape or quiet our mind at work or home

2. We might get more attention from strangers and loved ones

3. We'll have to deal with our feelings such as self-doubt

4. We'll actually have to start acting like the person we want to be instead of wishing and hoping we become that person. What do I mean? We'll have to live up to our potential.

All of these stem from one common belief: That we're powerless.

When we're choosing food in the moment, we're saying to ourselves, "Self, I'm powerless!"

Bull secretion I say. Of course, we're not powerless. We're extremely powerful! (I know it sounds corny but it's true.) But, choosing powerlessness in the moment is 'easier'. Whatever easier means...

Because when we choose the 'easier' way out, we're going to regret that. In my mind, there's always going to be some sort of discomfort we face.

Either the discomfort of regret or the discomfort of discipline. One lasts for about 5 minutes. The other can last a lifetime.

Being powerful is not as scary as we think it is. After all, when we were kids we dreamed about being an adult right? An adult who controls his/her own life with our own choices.

Crazy right? When we're kids we want to be adults. When we're adults we want to be kids. Kids (many of them) don't take responsibility for their actions. After all, they're just 'kids'.

I'm pretty sure that deep down we all want to be adults. We spent many, many years wishing we were adults.

However, it's very easy to think otherwise because when we're choosing to be powerful, we're signaling to our selves that we're in the drivers seat, which we are.

On your mark, get set, go.



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