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Weight Loss Coaching: Experience a Private, 1:1 Program Built 100% Just for You

Most of us have a pretty good idea about what we "should" be doing to lose weight. We know the healthy stuff from the not-so-healthy, right?

See, the real issue isn't just knowing what to eat or how to exercise. The real challenge is sticking to those healthy choices day in and day out.

That's why we designed our weight-loss coaching program with one mission in mind: to help you overcome anything and everything that gets in the way of consistency so you can get real results.

With us, you'll get all the coaching, accountability, and support you need for real, lasting success.

MyBodyTutor has been featured in:


A Weight Loss Philosophy That Gets Real Results

Chances are, you've tried a bunch of diets and workout plans before (maybe some of them more than once). So you realize that the struggle isn't in the knowing. It's in the doing. Consistent action—that's where the weight loss transformation happens.

And let's be honest, keeping up with healthy habits day after day? That's where it gets tough.

But we do things differently at MyBodyTutor. We're all about daily personal coaching and daily accountability.

The truth is, our kind of daily, one-on-one weight-loss coaching isn't common.

In most programs, you often get lost in the crowd, and the coaching is so hit or miss that it doesn't make a lasting difference. Or worse, they just group everyone together and call it "community coaching."

But with us? We're with you every day to help you face hurdles head-on. That way, we can tackle challenges as they come, ensuring little hiccups don't turn into big obstacles.

Our daily coaching, feedback, and support are absolutely essential to keeping you on track. It's the individualized, personal attention that will transform your weight loss journey into your very own success story, just like our hundreds of success stories.

Proven Strategies, Unmatched Coaching: Your Path to Weight Loss Success

Now, you might be wondering—what makes MyBodyTutor different?

First, it's all about our daily commitment to you. While some programs might touch base weekly or monthly, we know that's far too long to go without coaching. Our mission is to be there with you every day, all the way to your goal.

And other programs? Chances are they're going to give you generic tips and advice—the kind you could Google for yourself in a few seconds.

But we all know to eat less sugar and drink more water, don't we? That kind of coaching won't cut it. Plus, it's just not helpful. And that's why our daily, personalized coaching makes all the difference.

At MyBodyTutor, we don't just hand out cookie-cutter workouts, one-size-fits-all diet plans, or give you generic advice.

We take the time to get to know you. We want to know your likes, your dislikes, what you're willing to change, and what's non-negotiable. (That's right, we all have things we're not willing to budge on, including me.)

Our focus is on designing a plan that's not just effective but also fun and realistic for your life. This is how we help you make changes that last and get the results you're after.

Get Highly-Personal, 1:1 Coaching Today

We Simplify Your Success with Personalized Plans, Daily Coaching, and Daily Accountability


Daily Accountability

Starting a diet is easy, sticking to it all the way through—that’s the hard part. When you’re on a diet, it’s easy to lose motivation and stop feeling committed. And it’s too easy to quit with the promise of starting over later.

But with a coach by your side every day, you’ll feel more committed and motivated to keep going. We will reach your goals, and we’ll do it together.

With daily accountability, you are capable of achieving far more than you think you are.


Highly-Personal Coaching

Having a coach should never involve waiting for the “next available rep” or getting a text message from someone you suspect might be a robot.

With MyBodyTutor you’re not one of thousands. You’re part of the family, and we take that seriously.

The secret to our coaching is in building personal relationships. Because to us, coaching isn’t just a business. It’s our life. And we care about you reaching your goals as much as you do.


100% Unique Meal Plans

Can’t eat veggies? Don’t like yogurt? Hate eggs? A one-size-fits-all approach doesn’t fit anyone. Everyone is unique. So why force yourself into a meal plan that wasn’t made for you?

MyBodyTutor starts by working with the foods you like and working around the foods you don’t.

We help you build a way of eating that lasts by meeting you where you’re at and designing a plan that’s 100% unique to you. Even if you’re a picky eater or too busy to cook, we will find the perfect fit.


Exercise You Want To Do

The plan you follow isn’t always the plan you want to follow. So how great would it be if you didn’t have to pick between what’s good for you and what’s fun for you?

What if you could be fit and healthy in a fun and easy way—whatever your goals?

MyBodyTutor will help you build exercise plans just for you and your schedule. Exercise should match your life, not the other way around.


A Focus On Mindset, Psychology, And Habits

With willpower, it’s incredibly difficult to lose weight and keep it off. That’s why most people only manage to lose weight for a little while, only to gain it all back. Not fun!

Not only that, but no diet will last if your Mindset, Psychology, and Habits around food and exercise don’t change.

At MyBodyTutor, we guide you step-by-step, day-by-day to shift your Mindset, Psychology, and Habits (we call this your MPH). Because when your MPH changes, you’ll see that getting fit doesn’t require massive amounts of willpower to make it through.


Guaranteed Results

We're truly confident in what we do. That’s why you’re protected with my 100% risk-free, 30-day money-back guarantee.

Give us 30 days to prove that our proactive coaching is what you've been missing all along. If it doesn't work for you, we'll refund your money AND pay for you to start a program that better fits your needs.

See the Difference a Weight Loss Coach Makes: Real-Life Successes

Delaney's story is a perfect example of how MyBodyTutor customizes its approach for each person, especially when they're facing unique health challenges.

See, Delaney had gone through two pregnancies and was dealing with some tough health issues, like a heart condition and low blood pressure. Because of this, the usual diets and exercise routines just weren't working for her. She was struggling with weight gain and felt stuck.

That's where we stepped in. At MyBodyTutor, we helped Delany find a plan that worked for her. We took into account her health conditions and the fact that she had to be careful with exercise. It was all about finding what worked specifically for her.

With our daily support and accountability, Delaney managed to lose 30 pounds—even with her health complications! She's stronger, inside and out. She's eating better. She’s carrying her kids around. She's feeling proud and amazed at how far she’s come.

Delaney's story really shows just how effective MyBodyTutor's weight loss coaching is at tuning into your individual needs.


Want to know more about how we helped Delaney? Check out Delaney's Success Story and read more about her journey for yourself.

Get Highly-Personal, 1:1 Coaching Today

Or, meet Rachel, a mother of three. Rachel was once on top of her fitness game, but life had other plans. Big life changes, family stress, an injury—it all knocked her off course.

She found herself turning to food and alcohol to cope with stress. And all that led to a "Screw it!" kind of mindset. But deep down? She was itching for a change.

She knew how to get fit. But that inner voice? The one begging for a change? It was drowned out by self-doubt. Rachel knew she didn't need just another diet or workout routine. She needed someone to keep her going, even when she felt like throwing in the towel.

Accountability. THAT was the missing piece.

And then, right as she was finding her stride, life threw her another curveball: major foot surgery. Twelve weeks of no activity. For a lot of people, that's where they hit a wall. But Rachel? She had a coach. A coach that helped her adjust and keep going.

And the result? Rachel didn't just drop 25 pounds. She mastered her habits. She learned portion control, made healthier choices, and said goodbye to feeling stuck. She took her life back.


Want to know more about how we helped Rachel? Check out Rachel's Success Story and see the journey for yourself.

Interested in checking out more real-life stories? We've got hundreds! Read all our weight-loss success stories.

Ready, Set, Go: Starting Your Path with Our Expert Weight Loss Coaches


Join Today

Once you join, I’ll send you a questionnaire. I want to know what your goals are, what you’ve tried before, what’s worked…what hasn’t. I want to hear all about you and the challenges you think we’ll run into. With your answers, I’ll take time to get to know you and your goals and pair you with a coach that’s a great fit for you.


Connect With Your Coach

You and your coach will set up a time to talk and build a game plan you feel totally comfortable with. Because trying to stick to a diet or exercise plan that doesn’t match the realities of your life or is too strict, just won’t work. Your coach will put together a plan tailored to meet you where you are, and set you up for success right from the start.


Work With Your Coach EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.

With MyBodyTutor’s easy-to-use mobile and web app, we’re working with you every day until you hit your goal. You’ll get personalized, expert coaching and accountability every day to help you make consistent progress toward your goals. Your coach will challenge you to stay on track and give you encouragement to stick with it, and you’ll soon find it’s the highly personal coaching that makes all the difference.


Get Results

Most programs only focus on what you’re eating, but we know getting fit ultimately comes down to what’s going on between our ears—which is why our focus is on changing your Mindset, Psychology, Habits. And with your MPH working for you, you can achieve your goals faster and make sticking to the plan easier (not harder) as time goes on.

Our Top-Notch Weight Loss Coaching Team

Our weight loss coaches, or as we like to call them, Tutors, know how to get you the results you want. They will help you get through anything and everything that gets in the way.

Our tutors are highly trained and have years of experience helping people reach their health and fitness goals. Not only are they very knowledgeable, they're also dedicated and love what they do.

We are lucky enough to be able to be very picky about who we ask to join our team. We get dozens of requests every month but turn most of them away. Why? Because I know we're only as good as our tutors, so I'm confident that you'll be in great hands.

Want to read more about our coaches? Just click here, and I'll tell you all about them.


I can't say enough about MyBodyTutor.

I can't say enough. Seriously, I can't say enough. This approach . . . MyBodyTutor is exactly what I needed. I have been down the road with fitness trainers and diet programs, but nothing ever clicked. It's crazy how simple the answer was, and is. just a needed a daily 'touch point' that is diet focused. I'm so grateful for MyBody Tutor and that late night google search that pointed me their way. remember very well the desperation and hurt I felt that night when I was looking for hope. I feel like I have been given a second chance at life. It really feels that way. Like I can breathe again.


Joining MyBodyTutor is a no-brainer.

At first, there was a part of me that didn't believe I could change the reasons I ate. But along the way, my perspective shifted from "this is impossible" to "this is inevitable." With MyBody Tutor, I lost 35 pounds and transformed how I looked, but even more important, I had a mental shift that transformed how ate. For me, the best part was the daily contact and working with someone I really resonated with. It's what helped ingrain the behaviors and made them second nature. When you work with a coach every single day to keep you laser-focused on your goals, the value proposition is incredible, and it makes joining MyBodyTutor a no-brainer.


Life changer.

Life changer. I've lost 25 pounds. I'm an RN and I completely recommend this program. The coaches are incredible. You start with the foods you already eat -that you enjoy- and are healthy. Its a style of eating that you can easily follow for the rest of your life. I thought I already knew so much about food but turns out that I had so much to learn. was an emotional eater but my coach taught me how to go beyond that yet still enjoy foods. I am now eating delicious foods that satisfy me as a lifestyle. I seriously did not feel deprived while losing weight. I had tried so many other programs and had wasted so much money...I can't thank Adam enough for creating this program!!

Results Are Typical And Should Be Expected

Want to see real results? Here are 100+ success stories!





Jill G.

After having two kids, Jill got serious about improving her health. She wanted to be a good role model and see them grow into adults.






The dream of every bride is to look amazing in her dress. Marisa achieved that dream but learned MyBodyTutor is much more than that.






Megan was so dedicated to taking care of her horses, but not herself. A tweet she saw changed her life.






Catherine had always been into working out but a busy lifestyle impacted her eating. She relied on counting calories but it was taking a toll.






Noah was able to apply the power of consistency to many aspects of his life. He realized he needed help applying it to his health.





Stephanie F.

Steph had been overweight since she was 8 years old and had "tried everything under the sun." Sticking with a plan seemed impossible to her.






Philip wasn't able to find anything sustainable. He was also worried that focusing on weight loss would hurt his business.






Lynda was very skeptical because she didn't think having a tutor would make much difference. It wound up changing her life.






Four weeks before vacation and Ginny was dreading it because of how she looked. She signed up thinking she'd cancel.






Desperate to get her body back after having kids, Sharmin was searching everything online. Having tried many things, she was skeptical.






If anyone knows how to lose weight, it’s Dr. Kayla. But knowing and doing are two different things, and she couldn't do it on her own.






30 pounds gone. Joe wins the award for most skeptical prospective client in our history. He was skeptical after trying so many things but liked our approach.

Got Questions? We've Got Answers

Is there a contract or minimum monthly commitment?


There's no need to worry about contracts or minimum commitments with us. You're free to make changes to your plan whenever you want.

You can upgrade, downgrade, or cancel at any time.

We want you to feel comfortable trying us out because we know you'll love what we're about!

Do I have to fill out an application to join?

You know what drives me crazy? Programs that make you fill out an application just to join. It's the worst.

We've made it easy for anyone to start. Whether you're a busy mom, dad, entrepreneur, or single parent—we're here for you! And don't let geography hold you back. We have clients from all over the globe and from all kinds of backgrounds. Just take a look at our Success Stories to see for yourself.

So don't wait, come join us, and let us help you reach your goals!

Do I have to buy any special food, bars, supplements, pills, etc?

You might not expect it, but this is actually a question we get asked a lot. It's a shame that there are so many weight-loss companies out there that only care about selling you their own products.

You don't have to worry about buying special foods, supplements, or anything else like that when you work with us!

We're here to help you develop healthy habits and behaviors that you can use in real-life situations. Whether you're eating out at a restaurant, going to a work event, or just having a routine meal at home, we've got you covered. Our goal is to help you deal with all of life's challenges and still reach your health goals.

Do I need to join a gym?

Absolutely not. A lot of the people we work with don't belong to a gym. Many don't even have time to go to the gym!

So don't sweat the gym membership. (See what I did there?)

Joining a gym isn't required. The important thing is that we'll make a plan that works for you, no matter what your goals are or how you like to exercise.

Is it true that you have a money-back guarantee?


Yes, we do. And I'm glad you asked. I believe in what we do more than anything. That's why we offer a 100% risk-free, 30-day money-back guarantee

We want you to feel comfortable trying us out. And if, for some reason, it doesn't work for you, we'll even refund your money and pay for a program that's a better fit for you. 

It's a total win-win situation. The only way you can lose is if you don't give us a shot.

So why don't you give us a chance to help you reach your goals?

I'm skeptical. Is this too good to be true?

I totally understand why you might be feeling skeptical. It's natural to have some doubts, especially if you've had a bad experience with other companies in the past.

But here's the thing:

We're not like all the other companies out there!

Since 2007, we've been offering daily personal accountability and expert coaching to help people achieve their goals. And we have tons of success stories and thousands of satisfied customers to show for it.

Now, I know a lot of people and programs promise instant results, but let's be real: those don't really exist. That's why we don't promise instant results; we promise sustainable results! We help you change your relationship with food and exercise so that you can have long-term success.

Also, we know that willpower can be hard to come by, which is why we focus on changing your mindset, psychology, and habits (we call it MPH). And when you take that approach, what you realize is that MyBodyTutor gets easier and easier—because that's what happens when you stop relying on willpower.

We're not in this for repeat business.

We want you to be a lifelong success story! That's why, when (not if) you reach your goal, you'll get lifetime access to our maintenance plan for free. We're committed to your success.


Even with all that said, I know you might still have some doubts. That's why you’re protected with a 100% risk-free, 30-day money-back guarantee

Give us 30 days to prove that our proactive coaching is what you've been missing all along. If it doesn't work out, we'll refund your money and even pay for you to start a program that better fits your needs.

It’s a win-win situation for you, no matter what. The only way to lose is if you don't try.

And if you're still feeling skeptical, that's okay.

I just ask two things:

  1. Don't let your doubts stop you from trying. It's so easy to get stuck in the same place when you're feeling skeptical, and I really don't want that to happen to you. I know we can help you because we've helped thousands of other people who didn't think we could. We've got a track record of success, and I'm confident that we can help you reach your goals too.

  2. For the next 30 days, give our daily coaching and accountability an honest try. Be open to trying new things and communicating with us on a daily basis. We're here to help you succeed. And if it doesn't work out, we've got your back with the money-back guarantee.

And don't forget:

You can always set up a free call with me to ask any questions you have. I'm happy to chat and show you how daily 1:1 coaching and accountability can make all the difference for you.

We understand you have questions, and that’s okay, a lot of people do. We want to answer all of them and show you exactly how we can help.

Questions about the program?

(516) 456-6248

[email protected]

Or click here to schedule your 1:1 coaching session with me.

When you call or text, you won’t get an operator or a call center. This is my personal number, and I carry it with me all the time. This is what I live for!


Weight Loss Tips That Actually Make a Difference

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