
Make time for your health. If you had a meeting with the CEO of your company would you make time? The answer is of course, yes. So, why not make time for your future healthy self?





Results ARE typical and to be expected with MyBodyTutor. See why at the end of this page.

If Chris, a busy dad, can do it with MyBodyTutor you can too. Yes, YOU! (No, we're not yelling. We just really believe in what we do.)

Why it Worked (in his words):

Sad Fact: The before picture of me standing in front of the dinosaur was really sad, because I've wanted to see those dinosaurs since I was a kid and all I could pay attention to was the fact that I was just a schlubby dude on vacation.

How did you find out about us?

I know a bunch of people who used MyBodyTutor and loved it. It was clear I needed regular accountability to get back into shape because I couldn't do it on my own.

What have you tried in the past?

The only thing I really tried was excessive cardio and that worked to a point, but any time I didn't have a spare 2 hours to kill or I just got sick of running all the time, my weight would go right back up.

With MyBodyTutor, I was shocked at how little I was asked to exercise. I went from feeling like I had to exercise to wanting to exercise.

Any hesitations / doubts you had before joining?

Not really. Maybe the price? But I asked myself, if you could pay for a month to lose the weight for good, would you do it? And the answer was yes every day and twice on Sunday!

What were your hopes before joining?

I wanted a new lifestyle. I wanted to be a fit person, not someone who had to completely rearrange their lives to be a fit person.

What made you sign up for MyBodyTutor?

I know a lot of people who had a lot of success with MyBodyTutor, so it was always in the back of my mind. It wasn't until I was at a 4th of July party eating stale chips that I decided to join. I didn't like how they tasted, but watched myself sit there and continue to eat them. I knew a lot of my behaviors were compulsive, and I needed a serious overhaul regarding my relationship with food.

How is MyBodyTutor different from the billion and one other companies out there?

The personal connection and accountability you get from your tutor. It's really powerful to have someone you don't want to disappoint, especially when you've temporarily forgotten about your own motivation, with you every step of the way. It made all the difference.

Results. How is your life now—were your hopes met?

Yes, I'm down 25 pounds! I'm far more confident in different food situations because my relationship with food is so different than it used to be, and I don't dread taking photos or going to weddings.

Anything else that you think is worth sharing?

Make time for your health. If you had a meeting with the CEO of your company would you make time? The answer is of course, yes. So, why not make time for your future healthy self?

Results 25 pounds gone

What did you say to yourself as you were reading Chris's story?

It's fascinating when we start to notice our own behavior. Typically, we distance ourselves from that person. We find something they have that we don't. We make them into something other than an ordinary, regular person. Then, we create an excuse for why we can't achieve the same level of success.

The most important thing to realize: Whatever anyone else has done or become, you can do or become as well, with the right support, guidance, and accountability.

Here's the best part: I guarantee it or your money back. I sincerely believe in what we offer that much. I know MyBodyTutor will be the last program you ever do or need.

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