Heather R.

Heather R.

I spent my teenage years and most of my 20s, HUNGRY. Like most people, my diet consisted of a lot of processed, carb heavy, nutrient light but calorie dense food. Carrots were the extent of my veggie intake, while cheap and convenient food was priority. Mac-n-cheese, cereal, pasta, and soup were meal staples. I was not concerned with what I was eating, just how much.

I started my journey in the corporate world of investment banking. During this time I became known as a microwave chef. Co-workers would come back from the cafeteria with their sandwich and fries, while I was steaming broccoli in the microwave and mixing tuna with avocado, or grabbing zucchini strips to wrap the chicken I meal prepped in. They always wanted my lunch.

Before enjoying healthy balanced meals I tried every fad diet out there. I never achieved great results with any of them. However, I did learn a lot about food by going through each process. I tried, in this order, Zone, Paleo, Keto, and Intermittent Fasting. Going through each diet plan means understanding the rules, which provided some education. Then, of course, there was always a loophole search. When you try finding loopholes, you end up doing a lot of additional random research!

As a result, I learned about making balanced meals, and how to properly fuel my body. Most importantly, I learned how to eat MORE FOOD and lose body fat. I didn’t stick with any “diet”. I learned from them. I learned sustainability means creating rules that fit into my life and personal preferences.

When I turned to healthy balanced eating and food cooked at home, my stomach bloating and noises (so embarrassing in cubicle life!) at my desk stopped. I had more energy and felt sharper.

I was at the investment bank for 4 years and got really efficient at my job. I also hit a ceiling. I wasn’t a banker (English MA!), so there was no upward mobility for me. Since I was efficient at my job, I had time to dig into fitness and nutrition articles and studies here and there. I got really interested and started getting certified. Over time, I became a certified fitness trainer and nutrition coach. Soon after, I traded my business casual for athleisure wear!

I became the GM and Head Trainer at a small boutique gym, and provided informal nutrition coaching, in 2014 at 34 years old. I continued at that gym for 4 years before switching to another gym due to a change in ownership. Additionally, the new gym provided me with an opportunity to partner with a registered dietitian. I loved the opportunity to continue learning. With her help I created my own nutrition coaching program and later, business.

I left corporate life in pursuit of living a life free of work. I don’t work, I do what I love, every day. My passion lies in helping others escape the prison I was in. All I used to do was eat less, feel bloated and uncomfortable, work out for hours, all in the pursuit of looking like an airbrushed Nike model. And I couldn’t figure out why my body never changed regardless of my time in the gym, or small morsels of food!

I found the answer in eating a lot of GOOD food! Once I found that answer and was able to find ways to live it, I knew helping others was my calling. I want people to be free of the eat nothing with the goal of a body that doesn’t even exist without airbrushing mentality.

In wanting to help others through my business, I found that I had to market, a lot. And it took a lot of my time. I stumbled on My Body Tutor in an effort to find an employer who could provide me with people to help. I just want to coach!

Why MBT?

I started a nutrition business and program of my own out of a concern that online coaching companies were not authentic or personalized. However, when I read about My Body Tutor, and about the owner Adam, I felt inspired. I could tell this particular company and program was both personal and authentic. I wanted to be part of this team!

I am so excited about the client experience and success I have seen through My Body Tutor. Each coach connects with their clients, comes up with personalized plans with them, and fits nutrition into your life. My Body Tutor’s focus on eating behaviors and mindsets as well as healthy habit creation is so powerful. As part of this team I feel empowered by you. I want to be by your side as you find food that feeds your body and soul, so you can start achieving the best version of YOU!

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