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Questions about the program? Book a FREE call or text us now!
Adam also helped me realize something that I knew deep down. That exercising and eating healthy would make me happier. But, it was just way too easy to rationalize poor eating during the day and especially after a long!
Results ARE typical and to be expected with MyBodyTutor. See why at the end of this page.
Irene loved her job. She felt lucky to be working for a very prestigious financial firm, and she vowed that she would rise to the top. That, however, meant working and eating at insane hours. Though she did have a boyfriend, and hated to admit it, she would often put her job before her beau...all in the name of getting ahead.
Very often, those ridiculous working/eating hours, account for distortion in priorities as well as in physical bodies. Such was the case with Irene. Her life became parallel with the financial world in its ups and downs. As her reputation rose, so did her weight. She wanted and needed a balance, but she was conflicted. She was alarmed at the weight she had put on and was ready to do something about it!
Consistency is the name of the game. Unfortunately, Irene got in the habit of making bad habits because of her busy work life. She needed help not only to get in the habit of making good habits but also to stick to those habits.
Irene, always valued being healthy and fit but somewhere along the line her priorities got all out of whack. In fact, that’s what Irene needed. A friendly whack to get her going…and most importantly to keep her going!
There is nothing wrong with wanting it all and having it all. I had a dream job, and a dream boyfriend. The only problem was balance. It is hard to say no to your manager, whom you are trying to impress, and it is equally hard to say no to your boyfriend, who only means the world to you! But, I knew I could not turn down assignments if I wanted to get ahead. I only hoped that my guy would not mind taking a temporary "back seat" to my career dreams.
What I did not realize in my picture perfect world, was the weight gain all this turmoil would cause. I so desperately tried to please everyone, and I really thought I could. And I did, but . . . shopping for my clothing had suddenly become a nightmare. I did not realize that the crazy eating habits I developed for my job, had attacked my size. I felt uncomfortable in my skin, professionally and socially. As much as I loved my job and my boyfriend, I needed to make time for me!
And that’s exactly what Adam and MyBodyTutor helped me do! I realized that if I wasn’t happy I couldn’t make anyone else happy. In fact, if I wanted to make other people happy, I had to make myself happy first!
Adam also helped me realize something that I knew deep down. That exercising and eating healthy would make me happier. But, it was just way too easy to rationalize poor eating during the day and especially after a long!
No matter how much I wanted to change and how much I hated how I looked I somehow would manage to rationalize my bad habits.
One of the many things Adam is brilliant at is forcing me to be honest with myself. He forced me to look inside myself and figure out what I really wanted out of my life. And being healthy and fit was certainly something that is very important to me. The way he helped me be accountable to myself (and him) is what did it for me.
Because even as he says, it’s not that I don’t know what to do! It’s just that I wasn’t doing it.
Adam is amazing at what he does and his program is truly phenomenal. I owe all of my success to him, his easy to follow lifestyle and his program!
What did you say to yourself as you were reading Irene's story?
It's fascinating when we start to notice our own behavior. Typically, we distance ourselves from that person. We find something they have that we don't. We make them into something other than an ordinary, regular person. Then, we create an excuse for why we can't achieve the same level of success.
The most important thing to realize: Whatever anyone else has done or become, you can do or become as well, with the right support, guidance and accountability.
Here's the best part: I guarantee it or your money back. I sincerely believe in what we offer that much. I know MBT will be the last program you ever do or need.
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